About CareerQ

Hello! I’m Sunish, the creator of CareerQ Cue Cards.

As an Associate Director in the pharmaceutical industry, I’ve been driven by a passion for professional development and personal growth for over 15 years.

Despite consuming vast amounts of information from books, podcasts, and articles, I often struggled to apply these insights at the crucial moments they were needed most. To overcome this, I began creating what would eventually become CareerQ Cue Cards, starting with a small pocket notebook filled with my favorite tips and techniques.

CareerQ Cue Cards were designed to make sure that key frameworks and steps aren’t just learned but implemented. They are the culmination of my experience and dedication to continuous improvement, packaged into an easy-to-use tool to help professionals excel in their careers.

Explore our range and see how these cards can transform your professional life.

Why "CareerQ?"

The name ‘CareerQ’ is inspired by the character ‘Q’ from the James Bond movies. Q is renowned for his masterful inventions of spy gadgets, such as the laser watch and the explosive pen—tools that always gave Bond a crucial edge in critical moments. 

Similarly, CareerQ Cue Cards are designed to be your toolkit for professional success. Just as Q’s gadgets were tailor-made to ensure James Bond’s success on his missions, CareerQ Cue Cards will equip you with essential frameworks and insights to excel in your career.

The first Cue Cards I created for myself.

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